I’m Fine.
Remember when I said, I’m fine.
I’m as firm and unchanging as the pine
Chewing on my uppers, I could never be low
May my end come timely, may it come slow.
Remember when you heard, I’m fine.
Too tired to question the tired line.
Walking away, you left me where I stood.
You promised yourself and me, you did all you could.
Remember what I said, I’m fine.
You knowingly accepted my fragile lie.
Ignoring my shouts, hearing no cry
Please know I still love you, with my heart and all.
But what is Springtime for you, is my chilling Fall.
Remember when you said, nothing at all.
We build bridges and we burn them down.
Atop this ancient kingdom we are endowed
The most brilliant and nefarious, indeed
Presenting our murder as gallantry
Fierce, fragile, ferocious and pathetic
Kindly, caring, compassionate and prophetic
We are the most foolish, the most wise, and all in between
Killing angels and worshiping fiends.
We are Him and His and the creator of each,
Those that storm the gate and those who meet them at the breach
The pillager, the rapist, the tyrant and the thief.
The hero, the heroine, the sword and it’s sheath.
The gatekeepers to our own salvation.
The harbingers of our own damnation.
Let us blame our ancestors, our gods for this crime.
Ignoring the truth and birthing all lies.
We are divine.
Worshiped by those hidden in clouds and in clay.
From our concrete jungles to our endless Highways
We are the infinite din, the perpetual sound
We are human.
We build bridges and we burn them down.
I saw a ghost today mom.
In my room I heard the kitchen cabinets shut.
I heard the sound of feet upon the hard floor, a youthful strut.
Crawling through the hall, keeping quiet, I caught a glance
Our eyes met, familiar but estranged, trapped in a guilty trance.
He was tall and broad; his eyes were dark, and his voice was calm.
I saw a ghost today mom, he said that he knew you.
That he heard about your financial struggle and wondered what you’d do.
He told me not to worry, not to fret
One day we wouldn’t need to worry, one day he’d be rich, and we’d be all set.
I told him you’d be home soon, that he could stay and talk.
But he assured me he couldn’t, his eyes lingered on the clock.
“We can catch up another day, kid, don’t sweat it.”
“I love you, and if anyone tells you otherwise, they’re full of shit.”
I saw a ghost today mom, but he was alive.
Strong determined; ready to succeed and willing to die.
He held me close, he held me tight.
“Don’t ever feel trapped here, bud. You always have the choice to fight.”
His hand on my head I saw it, the joy and the terror bursting at the seams
“I’m sorry to leave in such a hurry, big plans and chasing dreams.”
“I love you; I miss you, but I really need to run.”
I saw a ghost today mom, he said he was my brother, that he was your son.
-Adam J Marcon
For You
What would I do without you?
Without your supportive hands which snare my throat,
Without your watchful eyes which pierce like blades,
Who would I be if not for you?
Where would I be without your roof over my head?
The daily fights and the monthly dread.
The empty stomach and loving charade.
What would I have if not for you?
What would I believe without your knowledge?
Your warm embrace which pins my soul in bondage.
Watch as the lies, the excuses and the pity cascade.
How could I think if not for you?
What could I say without your tragedy?
The helpless souls you poison with your agony.
The careless words passed from one stranger to the next
Give the family my best.
All of this and more I wish I could scream, I could shout, but...
If not for you, what the fuck would I write about?